EPP Energo is one of the CEE leading specialists for renewable energies.
With our strong regional presence, we off er project development and EPC services as well as products and solutions for the energy turnaround. Company activities are mainly renewable energy
projects (Solar, Hydro, Wind, Cogeneration).
The EPP Energo Group was established in 2007 in Brno. Since the end of 2014, Finesta Group has
been partner and majority shareholder of the EPP Energo.
EPP Energo has about 1,000 employees worldwide, branches on all continents and is actively engaged in various projects all over the globe.
So far, EPP has realized around 400 megawatts at more than 5 countries. Within the past
10 years, EPP has initiated an investment volume of approx. six hundred million Euros to realize these projects.
Level of our staff , encouraging them to self-improvement and creative approach in all situations.