FINESTA Gas & Oil a.s.

Finesta Gas & Oil a.s. it is a holding company of Finesta Group,
which manages Oil & Gas assets worldwide.

/ 2k+

Providing jobs to over 2000 people worldwide on all continents

/ 15

Providing jobs to over 15 nationalities and working in more than 10 countries

/ 125

With 125 research and engineering facilities worldwide

About Us

Finesta Gas & Oil it is a holding company of Finesta Group, which manages Oil & Gas assets worldwide. Knowledge, technical innovation and teamwork are at the center of who we are.

We have focused on leveraging these assets to deliver solutions that improve customer

Today, our real-time technology services and solutions enable customers to translate acquired
data into useful information, then transform this information into knowledge for improved decision making-anytime, anywhere.

Harnessing information technology in this way off ers enormous opportunities to enhance effi ciency and productivity. This is a quantum leap from providing traditional ‘just-in-case’ information
to delivering ‘just-in-time’ knowledge that meets the changing needs of our customers.

Who we are?

Our Philosophy


International Teamwork

Reflecting our belief that diversity spurs creativity, collaboration, and understanding of customers’ needs, we employ through our subsidiaries more than 2,000 people representing over 15 nationalities and working in more than 10 countries. Our employees are committed to working with our customers to create the highest level of added value. Knowledge communities and special interest groups with our organization enable teamwork and knowledge sharing unencumbered by geographic boundaries.

Technology innovation

With 125 research and engineering facilities worldwide, we place strong emphasis on developing innovative technology that adds value for our customers.

Contact us

Registered Address

FINESTA Gas & Oil a.s.
Bílkova 855/19, Old Town
110 00 Prague
Czech Republic

IČ: 28262174
Společnost je zapsána u Krajského soudu v Brně, B 53622

Main Office

FINESTA Gas & Oil a.s.
Milady Horákové 1957/13, Černá Pole (Brno-střed)
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic

Contact Person

Dominika Kamarýtová
